Last updated Oct 16, 2024
To send the OS syx file, use our free Elektron Transfer software. Transfer can be downloaded from the Elektron website.
If your current device OS does not fully support Transfer, you will be automatically directed to Transfer’s LEGACY OS UPGRADE page after you drag and drop the OS file on the Transfer DROP page. Follow the instructions on the LEGACY OS UPGRADE page to proceed with the OS upgrade.
When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.
A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.
When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.
After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This upgrade is performed right after the first restart of the device. Do not turn the power off during the upgrade.
Downgrading the device OS is not supported, and is performed at your own risk. User content may be lost.
Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report this to
Elektron support:
The Elektron development team
Randomizing the parameters for the Euclidean sequencer parameter page now bases the randomness range on track length and does not randomize the LEN parameter.
The key shortcut to access the PAGE PLAYBACK mode is changed for [MKI]. It is changed to: In GRID RECORDING mode, hold down [PAGE] for two seconds. This shortcut is now also available on [MKII] and is added to the previously implemented shortcut of holding down [PAGE] in PLAYBACK mode.
Added support for Overbridge 2.13.
Bug fixes
An active GRID RECORDING mode was disabled if the PAD SCALE menu was opened. It was also not possible to enable GRID RECORDING mode again while the PAD SCALE menu was open.
The LED BRIGHTNESS screen setting always reverted to MAX after the device was awakened from the screen saver.
[MKII] In GRID RECORDING mode, the active [PARAMETER] key’s LED was hard to distinguish from the non-active [PARAMETER] keys LEDs at LOW and MID LED INTENSITY settings.
[MKII] When using LED INTENSITY settings LOW and MID and selecting a pattern, the active patterns [TRIG] key’s LEDs, were hard to distinguish from other [TRIG]keys that denote a pattern that contains information.
Parameters on the TRIG PARAMETERS page could sometimes end up on the wrong track if they were recorded using LIVE RECORDING.
It was not possible to reload a Sound when in MUTE mode.
It was not possible to reload a track when in CHROMATIC mode.
Reloading an SRC parameter page could result in reloading errors for specific parameters.
The HH LAB DECAY parameter did not have INF as max value name.
Calibration could, in some circumstances, fail when a previous calibration result was supposed to be used.
Added five new machines: SY CHIP, SY RAW, BD ACOUSTIC, SD ACOUSTIC, and HH LAB.
Added an Euclidean mode for the sequencer.
You can now save a Sound from a specific trig on the sequencer, complete with its sound- and parameter locks applied.
Added the possibility to set a specific number of sequencer steps as record length in the sampler, resulting in loops with the exact length.
Added pad scales and fold functionality for when playing the PADS in CHROMATIC mode.
Implemented functionality that makes it possible to loop selected pattern pages.
Added the square waveform as a parameter value for the WAV parameter in the BD SHARP machine.
The BT CLASSIC machine now has a new PITCH ENVELOPE parameter.
Added two new PULSE WIDTH parameters for the CB CLASSIC and CB METALLIC machines.
Added slew functionality to the RND waveform for the LFOs. When RND is selected for the WAV parameter, the SPH parameter now sets the amount of slew.
[MKII] Added an LED brightness setting parameter in GLOBAL SETTINGS > SYSTEM.
It is now possible to see which PARAMETER PAGES contain parameters with parameter locks. When pressing and holding specific trig in STEP RECORDING mode, the [PARAMETER] keys that contain parameters with locks light up.
Improved oscillator tuning by adding new calibration functionality.
Implemented the possibility of generating a random name from the naming screen when naming a Sound or a pattern.
The NOTE parameter on the TRIG page now shows the note value and the number of semitones in the screen UI.
Improved the naming of the DUAL VCO, IMPULSE, and NOISE GEN machines by adding machine type group naming. The new names are SY DUAL VCO, UT IMPULSE, and UT NOISE.
The sample STA and END parameters are now high resolution. It is also now possible to snap to integers for the STA and END parameters. This, together with now showing true integrers in the display, makes it easier to find the exact start and end points in samples, especially in longer samples such as sample chains.
Added the functionality that when selecting an empty sample slot and then pressing [YES], now opens the +DRIVE sample list.
Improved the screen UI and navigation for the machine selection list and the Sound Manager.
Several analog machines are now scaled in semitones and with high resolution.
It is now possible to also click DATA ENTRY KNOB D to assign a sample from the sample list that is opened when accessing the SMP parameter on the SAMPLE page.
[MKII] Implemented a new LED boot sequence.
Implemented minor improvements of the LED color scheme to better harmonize between different devices of the product line.
The USB Class Compliant audio from the computer to the Elektron device could sometimes be silenced.
Modulating multiple parameters over MIDI CC or Overbridge could sometimes cause the UI to stop responding.
SysEx dumps could become corrupted when sent to certain computer software.
Samples could sometimes become corrupted when transferring them to the Elektron device from an M1 Mac using Transfer.
The USB Class Compliant audio from the computer to the Elektron device could sometimes be silenced.
Modulating multiple parameters over MIDI CC or Overbridge could sometimes cause the UI to stop responding.
SysEx dumps could become corrupted when sent to certain computer software.
Support for updated production process.
Added Overbridge support for macOS Big Sur.
Improved the response of the TRACK LEVEL encoder.
Stopping the sequencer did not send a note off message over MIDI on channels that were set to send MIDI notes.
Some unused factory content patterns were not properly cleaned and empty.
The error message “Missing Cal:Pads” could sometimes be erroneously displayed even though the calibration was not lost.
SysEx dumps could become corrupted when sent to certain computer software.