Model:Cycles OS Release Notes

How to upgrade

Upgrading from within the OS
  • Open the CONFIG menu and then select  UPGRADE
  • Send the SysEx firmware file to the Model:Cycles either using the MIDI In port or the USB port.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.


After some OS upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This operation must not be aborted, so  never turn the power off until the Model:Cycles tells you to reboot.

Upgrading from the Startup Menu
  • Hold down the  [FUNC]  button while powering on. This takes you to the Model:Cycles boot menu.
  • Press the  [TRIG 4]  key to enter OS UPGRADE mode.
  • Send the SysEx firmware file to the Model:Cycles using the MIDI In port.

During the transfer a bar in the display shows the progress.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself, booting the new OS.

After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This upgrade is performed right after the first restart of the Model:Cycles,  do not turn the power off during the upgrade.

To transfer the SysEx file, Elektron recommend using either Elektron Transfer application (not available when upgrading from the STARTUP menu) or the Elektron C6 tool.

Downgrading the Model:Cycles OS is not supported, and is performed at your own risk. User content may be lost.

Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report this to

Elektron support:


The Elektron development team


List of changes from OS 1.12 to 1.13


Added support for running the device on battery power using the Power Handle accessory and added a new  BATTERY CONFIG  menu with various battery-power related settings in the  CONFIG  menu. Added a battery indicator to the UI.

Added an additional step to switch on the device when running on batteries to prevent unintentional power up. You then switch on the device by pressing and holding  MAIN VOLUME  for a second and then turn  MAIN VOLUME  clockwise four ticks.

General USB Audio improvements.

Prevented MIDI feedback problems that could occur when pressing  [STOP]  twice.

Improved the visual feedback from the  [REC]  key in LIVE RECORDING mode.

Tracks set to  MOUT  now also forwards the incoming note data on the AUTO channel from external MIDI controllers to the MIDI OUT port for control of an external device.

The possibility to select track Machine via MIDI CC is now available at CC70.

Bug fixes

A fixed (non-synced) MUL setting on one LFO could, in some circumstances, affect the tempo of the other LFO.

When in LIVE RECORDING mode and using an external keyboard, only the first played note’s velocity and micro timing was recorded when playing legato. The following notes instead got the default values.

The device did not listen to the MIDI CC All Notes Off.

The USB Class Compliant audio from the computer to the Elektron device could sometimes be silenced.

Parameter locked values were not displayed if another key was pressed immediately after the held [TRIG] key.

Pattern change was ignored if the  [PATTERN]  key was released before the  [TRIG]  keys.

Velocity modulation settings were not applied when previewing a preset.

When locking  PUNCH  or  GATE  to a trig, the trig could sometimes be deleted if  [TRIG] + [PUNCH]/[GATE]  was pressed too quickly.

A number at the end of a presets filename was ignored when distributing the presets to the tracks by loading a preset folder.

Stopping the sequencer did not send a note off message over MIDI on channels that were set to send MIDI notes.

The first trig in the pattern was sometimes not triggered when controlling the Elektron device with an external MIDI clock, and MIDI transport was started.

SysEx dumps could become corrupted when sent to certain computer software.