Digitakt OS Release Notes

Last updated Oct 16, 2024

How to upgrade

To send the OS syx file, use our free Elektron Transfer software. Transfer can be downloaded from the Elektron website.

Upgrading from within the OS
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via USB and switch it on.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, set the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports to your Elektron device.
  • On the Transfer DROP page, drag and drop the OS file. The OS file is then automatically transferred to the Elektron device and the OS update initiates. A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.
  • On your device. Press [YES] to confirm the OS update.

If your current device OS does not fully support Transfer, you will be automatically directed to Transfer’s LEGACY OS UPGRADE page after you drag and drop the OS file on the Transfer DROP page. Follow the instructions on the LEGACY OS UPGRADE page to proceed with the OS upgrade.

 When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

Upgrading from the Startup Menu
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via the device’s MIDI port. (You cannot use the USB port).
  • Hold down the [FUNC] button while powering on the Elektron device. This takes you to the STARTUP menu.
  • Press the [TRIG 4] key to enter OS UPGRADE mode.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, click “LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode”
  • On the Transfer LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode page browse to, and select, the downloaded OS syx file.
  • Select your MIDI interface.
  • In Transfer, press “UPGRADE”.

A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.

 When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This upgrade is performed right after the first restart of the device. Do not turn the power off during the upgrade.

Downgrading the device OS is not supported, and is performed at your own risk. User content may be lost.

Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report this to

Elektron support: http://www.elektron.se/support


The Elektron development team


List of changes from OS 1.51A to 1.52


Added support for Overbridge 2.13.

List of changes from OS 1.50 to 1.51


Added an LED backlight setting that enables the possibility to turn the key backlight LEDs on/off. (SETTINGS > SYSTEM)

Added key shortcuts for the LED Intensity [SETTINGS] + [TRIG 1-3], and LED backlight [SETTINGS] + [TRIG 9] settings.

List of changes from OS 1.40B to 1.50


Added sample playback enhancements by implementing sample playback machines that add features such as warping and sample slicing.

Added Sample Rate Reduction functionality that can be routed either post- or pre-filter.

Decreased the encoder sensitivity when changing MIDI parameters.

Improved the filter type switching to reduce the amount of unwanted audio artifacts that could occur.

Added the functionality to record loops based on the current BPM when sampling or re-sampling.

Previewing a sample or a recording while on a MIDI track is now possible by letting it be previewed on the neighboring audio track.

Bug fixes

It was not possible to access Quick mutes and activate FILL mode when in GRID RECORDING mode.

List of changes from OS 1.40A to 1.40B

Bug fixes

It wasn’t possible to revert the changes made with the control all function.

Neither LIVE RECORDING mode nor GRID RECORDING mode was indicated, while the permanent mute mode was enabled.

The device could crash when a song row was added to a song that was cleared while it was playing.

List of changes from OS 1.40 to 1.40A


Saving a song to a project now works the same as saving a pattern to a project. After using SAVE TO PROJ in the SONG menu, the song is saved without needing to save the project afterward. However, the project needs to be saved before switching to another project to retain the changes.

Bug fixes

Latching FILL mode did not work.

The playhead (the red LED moving on the TRIG keys when the sequencer is running) was not visible when in KEYBOARD mode.

The MASTER parameter page always reverted to page 1/3 when switching track.

In SONG mode, queuing a pattern to play after the song is complete while a song row is repeating was ignored and instead the pattern playing on the song row kept playing after the song ended.

In SONG mode, if a song row was set to loop indefinitely, queuing another row to play did not have any effect since it was not prioritized over playing the indefinitely looping row.

In SONG mode, the swing setting from a queued song could be carried over and affect the currently playing song.

The graphical keyboard only indicated one pressed black key at a time even if multiple black keys were pressed.

The PATTERN menu could under some circumstances be accessed by pressing [FUNC]+[SONG MODE].

Keyboard mode could in some cases unexpectedly change to GRID RECORDING mode when switching tracks.

List of changes from OS 1.30B to 1.40


Implemented Song mode. The [···] key has been re-purposed and is now the [SONG MODE] key. The PATTERN menu has been moved to the SETTINGS menu.

Updated the CHROMATIC mode with additional functionality, i.e., keyboard fold and scales.

Renamed options in the SOUND OPERATIONS menu in the SOUND MANAGER.
Import to TRK > Load to TRK
Export to here > Save to here

Bug fixes

The LFO waveform could sometimes be drawn with corrupt screen graphics.

List of changes from OS 1.30 to 1.30B

Audio could in some cases clip when using Parametric EQ with negative gain.

Audio and sync could in some cases drop out when the device was used together with Overbridge.

The delay could not be unrouted from Main in the AUDIO ROUTING menu without also unrouting the reverb.

A parameter locked LFO destination was not always set correctly after loading a project that was last saved in an earlier OS.

List of changes from OS 1.21A to 1.30


Added external audio input functionality and a new EXTERNAL MIXER IN parameter page. The audio from INPUT L and R has also been added as sidechain sources for the compressor. Press [FUNC] + [LFO] (three times) to access the EXTERNAL MIXER IN page.

Added a base/width filter. The new filter is located on Filter Page 2.

Added parametric EQ as a new filter type.

Added a filter envelope delay parameter.

Added a second LFO. The second LFO is located on LFO Page 2.

Added the individual internal audio tracks as sample sources.

Extended the TUNE (sample pitch) parameter downward range to -60 semitones. The NOTE range is also changed to accommodate for the extended TUNE range. The added range also necessitated a change in which incoming MIDI notes triggering what note on the device. Middle C is now triggered on note 60 instead of note 36.

Added multi-track recording functionality in STEP RECORDING mode.

Added a GLOBAL FX/MIX menu item in the SETTINGS menu. In the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu, you have the option to set the parameters on the DELAY, REVERB, COMPRESSOR, INTERNAL MIXER, and EXTERNAL MIXER parameter pages to be global (making any change to these parameters affect all patterns in the project and not only the active pattern).

Implemented an intensity setting for the LEDs and OLED screen. The option is located in the SYSTEM menu. #BBD0E0 »