Syntakt OS Release Notes

Last updated Oct 16, 2024

How to upgrade

To send the OS syx file, use our free Elektron Transfer software. Transfer can be downloaded from the Elektron website.

Upgrading from within the OS
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via USB and switch it on.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, set the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports to your Elektron device.
  • On the Transfer DROP page, drag and drop the OS file. The OS file is then automatically transferred to the Elektron device and the OS update initiates. A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.
  • On your device. Press [YES] to confirm the OS update.

If your current device OS does not fully support Transfer, you will be automatically directed to Transfer’s LEGACY OS UPGRADE page after you drag and drop the OS file on the Transfer DROP page. Follow the instructions on the LEGACY OS UPGRADE page to proceed with the OS upgrade.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

Upgrading from the STARTUP menu
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via the device’s MIDI port. (You cannot use the USB port).
  • Hold down the [FUNC] button while powering on the Elektron device. This takes you to the STARTUP menu.
  • Press the [TRIG 4] key to enter OS UPGRADE mode.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, click “LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode”
  • On the Transfer LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode page browse to, and select, the downloaded OS syx file.
  • Select your MIDI interface.
  • In Transfer, press “UPGRADE”.

A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This upgrade is performed right after the first restart of the device. Do not turn the power off during the upgrade.

Downgrading the device OS is not supported, and is performed at your own risk. User content may be lost.

Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report this to

Elektron support:


The Elektron development team

List of changes from OS 1.21A to 1.30


Added four new machines: SY CHIP, BD ACOUSTIC, SD ACOUSTIC, and HH LAB.

Added an Euclidean mode for the sequencer. It is accessed on the second [TRIG PARAMETERS] page.

Added an analog square wave to the BD SHARP machine.

Implemented functionality that makes it possible to loop selected pattern pages.

You can now save a Sound from a specific trig on the sequencer, complete with its Sound and parameter locks applied.

It is now possible to see which PARAMETER PAGES contain parameters with parameter locks. When pressing and holding specific trig in STEP RECORDING mode, the [PARAMETER] keys that contain parameters with locks light up.

Added slew functionality to the RND waveform for the LFOs. When RND is selected for the WAV parameter, the SPH parameter now sets the amount of slew.

Added the possibility to quickly select which sequencer page that is edited in GRID RECORDING mode. Press and hold [PAGE], and then press one of the [TRIG 1-8] keys that light up to select the active page for editing.

Implemented the possibility of generating a random name from the naming screen when naming a Sound or a pattern. In the NAMING menu, press [SETTINGS] to create a random name.

Improved the feel of how turning the encoders affects the MIDI parameters.

Added support for Overbridge 2.13.

Bug fixes

Undoing a page paste operation could cause all parameters to be set to the minimum value.

Some NRPN parameters had incorrect values.

The value for the LFOs TRIG MODE parameter was not displayed in text.

The AMP volume and envelope parameters on the FX track did not influence the sound when monitoring the individual FX track only in Overbridge.

The FX track could not be unrouted from the main output.

List of changes from OS 1.21 to 1.21A

Support for updated production process.

List of changes from OS 1.20A to 1.21


Added an LED backlight setting that enables the possibility to turn the key backlight LEDs on/off. (SETTINGS > SYSTEM)

Added key shortcuts for the LED Intensity [SETTINGS] + [TRIG 1-3], and LED backlight [SETTINGS] + [TRIG 9] settings.

List of changes from OS 1.20 to 1.20A

Bug fixes

When copying a sound from an analog track to a digital track, FILTER WIDTH was incorrectly set to zero.

The wrong parameters were randomized when randomizing the SYN parameter page on the SY RAW machine.

In some cases, trigs could be added to the sequencer when toggling mutes in permanent mute mode.

The device could crash when a song row was added to a song that was cleared while it was playing.

A sound with the BD Silky machine sounded distorted if a sound with a rimshot machine had previously played on the same track.

When a trig with a sound lock with a different machine than the track sound was held, it could in some cases result in a graphical glitch.

The FX track was incorrectly called “MID.13” instead of “FX” in the SCALE menu.

It was impossible to toggle the FX track song row mute outside of song edit.

It was not possible to open the sequencer RETRIG menu on the FX track.

List of changes from OS 1.10 to 1.20


Added new analog machine SY RAW.

Added new digital machine SY SWARM.

Added support for Sustain pedal (Sustain and Sostenuto) over MIDI.

Saving a song to a project now works the same as saving a pattern to a project. After using SAVE TO PROJ in the SONG menu, the song is saved without needing to save the project afterward. However, the project needs to be saved before switching to another project to retain the changes.

Improved the general performance of the device.

Bug fixes

Reverting control all operations could, under some circumstances, erroneously revert FX parameters.

The Control all function could erroneously affect MIDI tracks and the TRIG page on the FX track.

Latching FILL mode did not work.

Audio routing settings were, in some cases, not read and set correctly after loading a project.

Fixed a number of issues related to settings made in the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu.

A note played and held on a track was still audible when changing from an audio-generating machine to the MIDI machine and then back again.

Placing a sound lock and selecting a sound using a machine with an incompatible voice type for that track sometimes resulted in a sound that was locked on another trig being played instead.

The SYN page parameters were not reloaded correctly if the machine type was not the default and the pattern wasn’t saved anywhere.

The trig keys could in some cases send out MIDI note numbers two octaves lower than specified.

When playing a song, changing the machine on a track in one pattern could change the machine on several patterns at once.

In SONG mode, queuing a pattern to play after the song is complete while a song row is repeating was ignored and instead the pattern playing on the song row kept playing after the song ended.

In SONG mode, if a song row was set to loop indefinitely, queuing another row to play did not have any effect since it was not prioritized over playing the indefinitely looping row.

In SONG mode, the swing setting from a queued song could be carried over and affect the currently playing song.

The graphical keyboard only indicated one pressed black key at a time even if multiple black keys were pressed.

List of changes from OS 1.01A to 1.10


Implemented Song mode. The [···] key has been re-purposed and is now the [SONG MODE] key. The PATTERN menu has been moved to the SETTINGS menu.

Implemented portamento functionality. The portamento parameters are on the TRIG page, and the portamento settings are found in the SOUND menu > SETUP menu.

Added PITCH BEND DEPTH setting.

Added the possibility to select note priority when playing a sound (LAST, LOW, HIGH).

Added a legato on/off setting.

Added a the possibility to select how velocity data will affect the amp volume when playing the sound using the VELOCITY TO VOL parameter.

Implemented a FILTER ENV RESET parameter to set the filter envelope reset behavior.

Added a GLOBAL FX/MIX menu item in the SETTINGS menu. In the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu, you have the option to set the parameters on the INTERNAL MIXER, EXTERNAL MIXER, and the FX TRACK’s SYN, FILTER, AMP, DELAY, REVERB, LFO pages to be global (making any change to these parameters affect all patterns in the project and not only the active pattern).

It is now possible to toggle MUTE mode while the SOUND BROWSER is open.

It is now possible to set the digital tracks (T1-T8) to USB out in the AUDIO ROUTING menu.

Bug fixes

The MIDI tracks’ CC VAL parameters were not controllable as specified.

Using Trig preview or manually trigging a note on a MIDI track only sent the root note.

Randomizing the SYN page on the analog tracks erroneously randomized the TUNE parameter.

The AMP reset parameter (AENR) did not affect the sound/envelope on the FX track.

The delay effect could, under some circumstances, produce clicks on the analog voices.

Changing the FILTER KEYTRACK parameter while playing could sometimes result in a faulty sound behavior.

List of changes from OS 1.00 to 1.01


It is now possible to preview sounds in the Sound Browser and the Sound Manager using the chromatic keyboard. It is now also possible to use an external MIDI controller when previewing sounds, sending MIDI on the Syntakt’s Auto channel.

The Reverb and Delay parameters on the FX track’s AMP page now have updated screen graphics when routed through the FX block (Pre-FX); to show that the parameters then have no effect. This behavior is also implemented for the  REVERB SEND  parameter on the DELAY setup page when the delay is set Post-FX and the reverb set to Pre-FX. It is, however, still possible to set the parameter values even if the parameters are disabled.

Options in the Sound operations menu in Sound Manager are renamed for clarity. Import to TRK -> Load to TRK, Export to here -> Save to here.

The Mod A and Mod B destinations are now shown as a list.

A track routed to the analog FX block is now indicated in the screen UI with adjusted  TRACK LEVEL  graphics.

The FX track is now included in the ROUTE TO MAIN setting.

Pressing  [FX]  while in the routing menu now always selects the FX track.

It is now possible to use the  A-H DATA ENTRY  knobs to scroll through the Machine selection list.

Bug fixes

The device could sometimes produce unwanted sound artifacts such as crackles and pops when the  FILTER RESONANCE  parameter was set to max and at the same time was modulated.

The parameters on the SYN page had incorrect MIDI mapping.

The FX track’s AMP envelope had multiple erroneous behaviors.

It was impossible to copy and paste the AMP page parameters from a page with an AHD envelope to a page with an ADSR envelope and vice versa.

External audio from  INPUT L/R  was always heard on physical outputs even when  INT TO MAIN  was set to OFF (or AUTO with Overbridge enabled).

When  [TRK]  was pressed and held, the trig keys did not always flash white when a trig on the corresponding track played.

In the FX routing menu, Pressing  [TRIG 13]  let the M1 modifier play the active track sound.

Notes recorded in LIVE RECORDING mode could sometimes get the wrong length and the playhead would not advance in STEP RECORDING mode.

A track with an Analog drum or an Analog cymbal voice type would always be heard on the main outputs regardless if it was set to be routed to Main or not.

Retrigs placed on the FX track did not work.

A trig modifier could, under some circumstances, be latched on after using KEYBOARD mode to add trigs in STEP RECORDING mode.

Sounds whose voice type is incompatible with the active track’s voice type were not filtered out in the Sound Browser when changing track while the Sound Browser was open.

The KEYBOARD mode’s set octave could not be changed in STEP RECORDING mode. It is now performed by pressing  [FUNC]+ [UP/DOWN]

Steps 13-16 could, under some circumstances, be edited when the device was in MUTE mode.

Tracks routed to the FX block could go silent after performing a pattern reload from a temporary save.

Digital tracks were not sent to the FX block if unrouted from main mix.